Home > Changing the way I shop

Changing the way I shop

February 9th, 2022 at 03:07 am

Now that I have a full two grocery shops under my belt, I am seeing that indeed about 31% of all of my disposable cash is going to unnecessary things.  I not only see fast food purchases, which could easily be trimmed, but also luxury goods that I really don't need like soda.  I will be cutting these things conciously.

I'm not a big couponer, because I would rather just cut out purchases all together.  Otherwise, if I can't find a coupon, I will be tempted to buy it anyway.  That's how the soda habit started.  I was buying only on sale with a coupon and then I got used to having it with dinner.  Building daily habits that aren't expensive, not looking for ways to get what I want inspite of expense is my goal.  

So my go to drinks are diet soda, coffee with sugar free flavoring syrup, and plain black tea.  To be honest, the coffee is more expensive, when you total the half anf half and the torani sugar free syrup in with the coffee, than even soda.  It also has some ill effects on my health.  So I think coffee and diet soda has to go.  I will still drink black tea for now.  I need alternatves that are low sugar and inexpensive that aren't just tea.  Our water tastes and smells like wet dog some days, so that is why I don't drink water plain.  Cutting out fast food, coffee and all the accessories, and soda will save me about $30 a week or about $1,500 a year roughly.  

I would like to take the money I save and invest it in paying down debt and a decent water filter that I can fit in the fridge to take the wet dog smell and taste away.  If I take what I save and spend even $300 a year on a water filter and filter cartridges, it would be worth it.

That's what I got so far anyway.  As far as getting a check or direct deposit, I inquired with my boss.  She doesn't do checks anymore as the post office lost too many she said.  She told me I could be without my pay for four weeks waiting on the first check to come in from the mail.  She said they are looking for other pay optons.  I have inquired about cash app and they do not do that.  

5 Responses to “Changing the way I shop”

  1. crazyliblady Says:

    Don't beat yourself up too much about the money leaks in your budget. Half the battle is finding them and the other half is figuring out what to do about them. Staying within budget can be hard, especially if you are paying off debt, but you are on the right track. I personally use liquid Sweetleaf stevia to sweeten my tea. Even though it may seem expensive, I consider the cost worth it so I don't feel like I need a Pepsi.

  2. Lots of Idea Says:

    You can get a water filter pitcher for $20-30. If someone in your life buys you gifts, that is something you could ask for, or take the amount you would spend on coffee and soda each week and save up.

    Don’t ignore the idea to sign up for the stores you shop at loyalty programs. You don’t have to cut out coupons, but it makes sense to get the lowest price on things you were going to buy anyway. For example, if you buy fruit each week, check to see if there is a special price through the loyalty card. If there is - grapes at my store can be 79 cents a pound - choose grapes. With the records you are keeping, you should get familiar with the ‘regular’ price of what you usually buy.

    When things you use, say soup or pasta are on sale, buy two and put one aside for next week. Don’t buy 20, just a little extra. This is good for paper products, cleaning supplies, personal care, and non perishables. Not good for things that will spoil, or for snack food unless you are very disciplined.

    Do you have a CVS near you? I save a lot of money with their loyalty program. They have a free card, and a program that costs money. Start with the free one. Every week, check what is on sale and what ‘deals’ they have, and think about what you need and will need. Last fall, they had coupons that made toothpaste free and they did thst three or four times!

    And keep after your employer - paying money to get paid is crazy. I’m not even sure it’s legal. The issues with the post office have been mostly resolved.

    Good luck!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Yeah, Berkey will take everything out of the water. They are the best on the market. But you have to be able to afford one.

  4. rob62521 Says:

    I agree with some of the a water filtering pitcher. It is worth the money. Our city water is often a bit funky, but our filter pitcher sure helps.

    As for getting rid of diet soda, bravo! The articles I've read about it are downright scary. Is there anyway you could change your coffee drinking habits? Since you like flavor in your coffee, why not buy a flavored coffee and use plain milk and not half and half? Far better than diet soda anyway. You might also want to try different flavored teas, both black and green.

    Lots of Ideas has some wonderful suggestions. I belong to the loyalty club at our Kroger and get marked downs and once a month they send me a digital coupon for a free item, and it is usually something we have bought in the past. Plus, I often get sale prices due to the loyalty card.

    Another idea you might entertain is to write to companies (email) and tell them how much you like their product and ask if they would send you some coupons. Chobani is very, very good about sending them out.

  5. aukxsona Says:

    We're going to get a filter and make our own water filter it looks like that works in our fridge. I'm not sure, my husband said he can fix it up.

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