Home > So I am trying a new things - writing down every purchase.

So I am trying a new things - writing down every purchase.

February 5th, 2022 at 06:17 am

In the past when I wanted to save money, I would cut a few non-essential monthly bills, like subscriptions and make enough breathing room to put towards the credit cards.  That isn't working.  I have cut the subscriptions.  I noticed I spend a decent amount each week on things we "need", but I never actually go through to look at each item to see if we really "need" it.  I get my pay on Thursdays.  It's not much.  I get anywhere from $100 to $120 a week.  After paypal, because I get paid through paypal, gets it's fees it's $95 to $115.  So right there, I know I am bleeding about $5 a week which totals about two weeks pay over a year.  

From there, I typically buy groceries, hygene items, and pay a bill.  This week's bill is personal taxes.  That will be $50.  Next week it will be registering my car for about $58.  Anyway, sticking to this week, $50 on taxes.  I had $50 left.  I went tot he grocery store and purchased the follwing.

Bread          $1.89

Pads          $3.95

Milk            $4.89

poptarts     $1.00

Q-tips         $1.00

Sugar         $2.39

Cheese       $2.99

Wipes         $2.89

Soda          $1.67

Soda          $1.67

Soda          $1.67

Subtotal  $29.20

Tax           $1.59

Total        $30.79

It's an interesting exercise that shows me that not only do I not "need" everything that I think I do, but also that almost $5 of all purchases were spent on tax.  We grabbed some fast food which is another non-need.  So I spend $5 a week to get my paycheck, another $5 on taxes, and then I spent roughly $15 on fast food we don't need, and then another $6 at least on the grocery budget for non-needs.  All totaled $31 sent on non-necessities from a $100 paycheck.  I am literally frittering away 31% of my money for non-essential items.  

Eye opening...I do recommend writing down purchases.  That was enough for a seed order!


6 Responses to “So I am trying a new things - writing down every purchase.”

  1. Wink Says:

    It really is an eye-opening exercise! I did the same thing back when I had a lot of debt and started getting serious about paying it off. I carried around a little notepad in my purse so I could write everything down right away that I didn't get a receipt for, like a vending machine purchase etc. I was spending too much money on wants, not needs and spur of the moment purchases without thinking. It really helped me.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Putting it down on paper makes us own stuff that much more.

    So, are you considering what are needs and what are wants? I see you purchased soda. Are you buying it individually or buying it by the 6 pack? Is there a savings if you buy it in the 6 pack? Or, have you even considered giving it up to save money?

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    It’s such a shame the PayPal fees are so high.. Can you get deals on your fast food? Everyone has to have a little luxury no matter what they earn but in Australia we have apps for our main takeaway food providers so you can get good deals each day, so maybe instead of spending $15 you can $7 for example; just to give you a little extra breathing room. Is there any way you can increase your income to help you get by?

  4. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Why not get paid differently instead of paypal? Venmo? Anything.

    Buy 12 pack of sode instead of 1L bottles? Or is $1.67 a 2L soda?

    I write down general spending like $55 at grocery store. I know I spent $120 on groceries that was basically 1 meal on friday at the asian market. UGH. That kills my budget for the month.

  5. crazyliblady Says:

    Paypal fees for getting your paycheck seem high. Is it possible for you to get paid with a direct deposit or paper check? Also, sign up for your store's card, if they have one. That will probably get you coupons on a lot of items. Are you making a shopping list ahead of time after checking what items you need to make meals for the coming week? Do you compare prices among different options available? Do you shop the clearance aisle?

  6. B. Dempster Says:

    Your idea of writing down every purchase is such a good one! This was very eye-opening for me. As a 21 year old university student who lives on her own, it is important that I learn how to manage my money. In a bid to learn how to spend my money wisely, I had started making a list of things I wanted before I went shopping. However, I noticed that I still managed to get things that were not on my list. yikes, talk about bad habits! I did not write down everything I purchased along with the prices, therefore I was unable to track how much money I spent unnecessarily. writing down my purchases will surely help me to monitor and change my poor spending habits.
    What I plan to do in an effort to only get what I need whenever I go shopping, is to ensure I have 'basic needs' list of everything I need to survive. This will help my focus to remain on the essentials, and not on what I *think* I need. I will also only walk with just enough money to cover the essentials so I am not tempted to go off track. Whatever money I save from eliminating my unnecessary spending will be divided into a 70/30 percentage. The majority will go to savings or back into needs, and the minority will become an allowance for a few wants. This strategy might help you as well. Good luck to us on our 'writing down our every purchase' journey. Thank you again for this post, I will recommend it to a few of my colleagues. It is too eye-opening to keep for myself!

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