Home > It’s that time of year again

It’s that time of year again

January 31st, 2022 at 05:11 am

The seed catalogs are pouring in spilling over my desk and into my floor. I have searched a dozen, three or four times already, highlighting that which I love most. My goodness how gorgeous are the photos of the Baker Creek catalog, how lovely the descriptions in Pinetree Seeds catalog, how practical the plants for my area in Southern Exposures Catalog, and how very inexpensive the seeds in Morgan County seeds. It makes it all so hard to decide!

To be fair, deciding on seeds, fertilizer, and any other things for gardening usually takes an age for me. First, I go through and find out how much I already have to plant. I take an inventory of sorts. I have found NUMEROUS herbs to plant, several packets of summer squash and pole beans. I probably don’t need one more packet of them! However I have zero bush beans!!! So after my inventory of type of seed and how many, I do look to see what I have absolutely nothing of or not enough for this growing season, like my bush beans. I put that on the top of my priority list of “Things to get before March”. This is important, because a lot of seed houses will be in full rush season in just a week or two.

Then I got through my inventory and see what I do not have for next growing season that I need. Need is the operative word here. Do I need flowers? No. Do I need onion seeds or sets? Yes. ...

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